During the Covid-19 stay at home mandate and after being laid off from my regular 8:30-4:00 job in the creative industry, I had to get a grip on my feelings, what this meant to me
and what do I do next. Feeling lost and having no control over the situation, it's easy as a
creative person to close down, but I knew I had to do something, even if I didn't feel
like it. So, I made sure that I kept getting up each morning, getting showered, dressed and making a lunch. I would go into my studio and thought, great I can spend all my time
being creative! But for the life of me, it just wouldn't come. Of course, my studio was a
mess, which didn't help but I knew that I had to do something, not binge TV and frequently
going to the fridge! I asked myself what's making you feel overwhelmed? It was my space,
it needed to cleaned up and reorganized. So, I started by piling up all the items onto my cutting table, paper work, scraps, books, magazines, paints from around the rest of the studio in one place. I was starting to feel a little less anxious as I went. In fact, I forgot what was going on outside (even for a little while) while I started focusing on where or how
I could make my creative space work better for me.